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Emergency Vac Usage

Natural disasters are on everyone’s mind these days. Floods in Texas, hurricanes in the Caribbean, earthquakes in Mexico, fires in California. We all need to think about how we can best prepare for the unthinkable. A natural disaster doesn’t give notice of its pending arrival or advertise its achievements on TV – it just happens, and most of us are not prepared. Food storage and supplies is arguably the most important issue when preparing for emergencies and disasters. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, offers a detailed website full of useful disaster related information: .



10 Reasons Why Tightvacs Are The Best Containers For Emergency Preparedness.

Pasta 1. Our Vacs eliminate enough air, creating an unfriendly environment, so that bug and insect larvae (eggs) cannot hatch. Grains, flours and rice can literally last for years in our Vacs.

2. No light penetration - For long term storage we recommend our Solid Body Vacs. They will keep light, air, moisture and pests out of your precious food goods for very long periods of time.

3. Our Vacs are made with NSF approved plastic, meaning its food grade all the way. NSF has also tested all of our packaging claims.

4. Our Vacs are built strong. We have many Vacs still in use after 10 years! Unlike glass and plastic bags they will not break easily and can be stored virtually anywhere. Even buried.

5. PreparednessRodent, insect and animal protection all the way! Rats and mice cannot get into our Vacs. Insect testing has been done with our Vacs in the rainforest. Even ants do not get into our Vacs. These critters do not smell the food inside and just move on!

6. Our Vacs are Multi-purpose meaning you can store things like batteries, matches, lighters, pills and countless other supplies. They will keep the charge of the batteries and potency of your pills or medicines much longer if stored in our Vacs.

7. The best seed storage device on the market! Seeds for planting new crops will last for years in our Vacs. They are protected from the elements and stay dry and moisture free.

8. Long term safety and peace of mind, with a partial vacuum, instead of risking anaerobic bacteria which grows only in a 100% vacuum sealed system, like the Food Saver vacuum bag system. In fact most food safety agencies make restaurants throw out foods they find stored with the vacuum bag systems. Anarobic bacteria tends to start growing in this 100% vacuum environment after 1 year of storage. This does not Nutshappen in every instance however it is very unpredictable and undetectable when you are in an emergency situation and need to eat. Ironic, that death could come from the very thing you had have planned to keep you alive!

9. The problem with using glass and bags for long term storage is glass allows light penetration and over time this will destroy your food products, and the seal is often not good enough to prevent larvae from hatching within. Bags will easily break open and animals and pests can easily penetrate from both the inside and outside.

10. Tightvacs can be used in all temperatures. From freezing conditions to extreme heat. This is a true story from a customer of Tightvac. After experiencing the burning of one’s home, it is very difficult to think positively when you have lost all of your personal items and the history associated with all your things. As our customer walked in the area that was once his home, feeling quite depleted seeing the ashes and heaps of rubble that was once his home, he entered the area that had been the bedroom, as he was kicking around the ash and soot, he came across what he had hoped he would find, which was a very burned and melted looking plastic object which in fact was a Tightvac – TV3-SBK-6oz/0.57l. He found an object to smash open the container as the cap was melted into the body. All the money he had saved for many years, hidden under his bed, was in perfect condition not even discolored. He wrote to us, that this was a sign from god, giving him the hope and strength to start again.

Forest Fire


Mixed NutsKeeping your food storage safe and edible is a job in itself and one must be prepared to check on and in on your food emergency food storage every 6 months. Avoid conventional trash bags as a storage means for food goods, as they are often laced with toxic chemicals.

FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, has lots of information pertaining to disasters:

FEMA recommends all kinds of emergency supplies, here are a few:

Water, 1 gallon of water per person per day for at least 3 days

Emergency Preparedness Food, at least a 3-day supply of nonperishable food

Solar or Battery-powered or hand-crank radio

• Flashlight and extra batteries

First-aid kit

Dust mask for contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape for emergency shelter.

Moist towelettes, garbage bags and plastic ties for personal sanitation

Tools such as Wrench & pliers

Manual can opener for food


Popcorn• Cellphone with solar/extra charger

Unscented regular bleach …. when diluted – bleach can be used as a disinfectant and a purifier.

Asprin and pain relievers

Normal accessories one takes for granted like scissors and tweezers

There are some things that you can add to your Emergency stash whenever you want, like extra knives or bullets – if you think about it – just do it.


It’s one thing to have emergency supply – it’s another thing to maintain. It’s worth checking your supply at least yearly, I know most websites suggest every 6 months but let’s get real this is not going to happen with normal people busy with their lives.